Cilt: 21 Sayı: 1, 1.04.2018

Yıl: 2018

Orijinal Araştırmalar

Araştırma Makalesi

3. Üçüncü Basamak Bir Merkezden Kardiyak Arrest Serisi

Araştırma Makalesi

6. Repair of Complex Mitral Valve Pathologies: Is It Worth to Cope With?

Araştırma Makalesi

10. Safety and Efficacy Outcomes of Bioresorbable Scaffolds in Long Segment Coronary Lesions



12. Mekanik Ventilasyona Pratik Yaklaşım

Olgu Sunumları

Olgu Sunumu

16. An Unexpected Cause of Hepatotoxicity and Myopathy in A Patient with Coronary Artery Disease: It Is Not Statin

Olgu Sunumu

18. A Rarely Seen Type-I Kounis Syndrome Caused By Tetanus Vaccine

Orijinal Görüntüler

Görüntü Sunumu

19. A Rare Coronary Artery Anomaly: Type-4 Dual LAD

Görüntü Sunumu

20. Successful Treatment of Acute Leg Ischemia with a Hybrid Approach

Görüntü Sunumu

21. Preventing Mechanical Complications of Median Sternotomy Using Venous Cannula Line

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